Persecution Blog: Hussein: 500 Invisible New Testaments

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March 11, 2013



GOD can make invisible !
GOD can heal all everyone !
GOD can protect all in safety !
GOD possible do all everything !

but ...

why some servants of GOD must live in suffer of persecution ?
why GOD not help some servants of GOD from persecution ?
why some servants of GOD must live in suffer of diseases ?
why GOD not heal some servants of GOD from diseases ?
why GOD let some servants of GOD died killed by evils ?


some said :
if not chosen by GOD then GOD will not help.
only the chosen by GOD then GOD will help.

how to know : chosen by GOD ?
how to know : the Will of GOD ?

some said :
GOD speak in audible voice hear by ears.
GOD speak in mind.
GOD speak in heart.
GOD speak in vision.
GOD speak in dream.
GOD speak through someone.
GOD speak through something.

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