Iranian Christian Hussein stood in amazement at how far God had brought him. Just a few years earlier, he had been a drug addict, a patron of prostitutes and a criminal. Yet the drugs and women and ill-gotten money brought no joy to his life; he felt only misery and desperation. He became so depressed that he planned to end his life. He came up with a plan to make his death painless: he would get high on ecstasy and then jump off a tall building. He found an appropriate building, and he even found a way to get to the roof. All he needed now was the drugs; he was trying to locate them when an old army buddy came to town and asked Hussein to coffee.
When his friend told him that he’d “found something new,” Hussein perked up, thinking his friend had discovered a new drug. But his friend had discovered Jesus. He sent Hussein a New Testament, then brought other Christians to visit him. They met in a local park on a bright sunny day. One of the other Christians who had also considered suicide asked Hussein if he wanted to give all the pain in his life to Jesus. Hussein received Christ’s forgiveness that day.
“I still didn’t understand what was happening to me, but I felt something was different and I knew my life was going to start to change. Christ just said he wanted me to be His son; this made me excited. This is what attracted me. This was very different from Islam. Immediately I felt light and I was unnecessarily happy for no reason.”
Just a few years after choosing to follow Christ, Hussein was in full-time ministry. God had called him into fellowship with Christ, and then—literally out of the water—raised him up to a place of leadership and ministry. And God empowered him and blessed his ministry with fruit.
“The favor of the Lord was with me,” Hussein remembers. “Anyone I witnessed to, they would come to Christ. I felt that God had anointed me to witness. I would give my testimony, and I would tell them what Christ did for me. It was really God that was speaking through me.”
But ministry in Iran isn’t free, and it wasn’t long before Hussein would have to pay a price. But even in that, Christ’s hand was clearly at work.
Hussein’s story was featured in a past issue of VOM’s free monthly newsletter. You can sign up to receive VOM’s newsletter here. Visit PersecutionBlog on Monday to read how God protected Hussein, even as he went through intense persecution. You can also read Part One of Hussein's story.
Am happy 4 hussein & that d kingdom of satan has depopulated 2 d glory of God
Posted by: | March 09, 2013 at 01:31 AM
God changes those who want to be changed by Him.
"Ask and ye shall receive"
All Glory to God Almighty!!
Posted by: Ana | March 08, 2013 at 09:54 PM
WOW !!! Praise God ...
Posted by: ken Bobbitt | March 08, 2013 at 08:21 PM
GOD can change all.
GOD can change all things.
GOD can change all creatures.
GOD can change devil but not change devil.
GOD can change all human but not change all human.
GOD can change all everything but not change all everything.
why GOD not change all human?
why GOD not change devil?
why GOD not change all?
why GOD change only some?
why GOD change only some one?
why GOD change only some human?
Posted by: STAR777 | March 08, 2013 at 07:41 PM