Each month VOM produces "The Jesus Freaks Minute," a daily radio-PSA that shares the stories of the persecuted church with Christian radio listeners all over the United States and around the world. Here's the script for one of the spots that will air next month, a spot entitled After Stephen:
[SOURCE:] Acts 7 & 8
[LYRICS:] What will people think when they hear that I’m a Jesus Freak. What will people do when they find that it’s true?
[MICHAEL TAIT:] Hey, this is Michael Tait with truth every Jesus Freak should hear from The Voice of the Martyrs.
[TODD:] Acts, chapter seven, records the Stoning of Stephen and his final words, “Lord, do no hold this sin against them.” What happened then? Did the first martyrdom of a believer cause the new church to collapse?
Persecution swept through Jerusalem. The apostles witnessed Saul dragging Christians off to jail while most of the other godly men scattered across Judea and Samaria.
But they didn’t hide. They spoke boldly. Preaching the word wherever they went. Proving once again that what man intends for evil, God intends for good.
[YOUR TURN:] Is there a time in your life where God took something that seemed bad and turned it into something that was for your good and for the good of His Kingdom? Share your experience in the comments section to this post.