Believers in hostile and restricted nations must often pray and worship in secret. They risk their freedom, their physical and emotional well-being, and even their lives for sharing the gospel message with others in their families and those around them. They trust the words of Jesus when He said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).
Your brothers and sisters in Christ around the world are encouraged when they hear how you have been praying for them, and they depend on your steadfast prayers. We consistently hear how God is working in their lives and using them even while they take great risks; they find more courage and strength because of prayers of readers like you.
Our VOM contacts try to give us as many pertinent details as possible, but they also must do so with extreme caution. This week, we received a very sensitive and urgent prayer request. Our VOM contact wrote:
In an Arabic country, a passionate local believer was informed by his father and his tribe’s leadership that he and others who decided to follow Christ had one week to return to Islam. If they do not, the family and tribe have decided they will be killed. This believer has already suffered greatly for his witness. Moreover, several of his closest friends have also been targeted and persecuted terribly because of their faith. Please pray for this brother and the others affected by this tribe’s decision. May God give them courage and wisdom in knowing how to respond. And may He work powerfully on the hearts of those who plan this scheme.
Will you please join us in prayer for this brother in Christ and his fellow workers?
“Ann Kay” is a writer for VOM. She learned about VOM five years ago when she read Tortured for Christ and began receiving the newsletter. She is passionate about reaching the world for Christ and sharing stories of the persecuted church.