By now, I hope you know that prayer is foundational to VOM. We’re constantly asking for it on behalf of persecuted Christians, but did you know that we’re also praying for you?
Every week, staff members in VOM’s Readers Services department compile a list of everyone they talk to who may have a need. Every Tuesday, that list is printed and distributed to staff during our weekly chapel time. As we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters, we also pray for our readers. Then, those lists are posted in the breakrooms, elevators and other common areas – all so we can continue to pray.
We serve a God who knows our every need, and yet we’re also encouraged to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17) and to be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12). So please: if you have a need, let us pray for you. You can send us an email or call (877) 337-0302. And don’t forget to remember our brothers and sisters, too.
Dory P. has worked with VOM for nine years. Dory tells the stories of the persecuted through VOM's newsletter, and her husband serves in VOM's international department. Between Dory, her husband, five-year-old son and two-year-old daughter, the family shares seven passports, though they know their ultimate citizenship is in heaven.