Each month VOM produces "The Jesus Freaks Minute," a daily radio-PSA that shares the stories of the persecuted church with Christian radio listeners all over the United States and around the world. Here's the script for one of the spots that will air next month, a spot entitled Bad For Good.
[LYRICS:] What will people think when they hear that I’m a Jesus Freak. What will people do when they find that it’s true.
[TOBYMAC:] Hey, this is TobyMac with truth every Jesus Freak should hear from The Voice of the Martyrs.
[ANNOUNCER:] In Genesis, Chapter 50, Joseph told his brothers not to dwell on their past evil deeds. He said, “You meant to harm me, but God intended it for good.”
God’s ability to exchange evil for good is a common theme in scripture. Ruth is widowed, but she marries Boaz and becomes part of the messianic line. Stephen is stoned and fearful followers of Christ scatter, which spreads the gospel far and wide. Jesus is crucified, rescuing the world.
Today, The Voice of the Martyrs sees how persecuted Christians expect God to overturn the plans of Satan. Is that your attitude? For more, go online to persecution.com.
Photo credit: Vintage beauty II - Radio by monogatari via Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license.