Local authorities in Chiapas, Mexico, recently issued an official warning to Pastor Antonio Cruz Rodas, ordering him to stop evangelizing in the area. Pastor Rodas has also received death threats.
Authorities issued the pastor a document reading, "Today we strongly state total prohibition of access to people that profess any religion different than the one in our community."
Most people in the area practice "folk Catholicism," a syncretistic blend of Catholicism and indigenous practices. Pastor Rodas says he is not afraid of being killed, and VOM contacts have asked that we pray for his continued ministry in this hostile area. Three families in the area have come to faith in Christ, and the pastor has planted two churches in communities similar to this one.
In the photo at right, a pastor in Chiapas is shown praying for one of his parishioners.
You can add your voice to the prayers for Pastor Rodas online at www.iCommitToPray.com.