Persecution Blog: The Real Story of St. Patrick

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March 14, 2014


Alan Heron

David, I agree that Dan is a little confused re his remark about Pelagians, but the Roman Catholic Church has had much opposition all through it's existence, from faithful followers of the Gospel. All across Europe there were pockets of faithful true believers in the faith once delivered to the saints (as Jude puts it in his epistle), who payed a high price for their refusal to bow to the might of Rome.

Many people think that until Luther there was only one church; the Roman Catholic Church, but this is not historically correct and many millions of people were martyred by Rome throughout the centuries before Luther's day for believing that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

For a very detailed account of this, I refer you to the following website:-

Under 'Church History', you will find an account of these people and how Rome dealt with them.

Michael Krueger

Gangsta - an individual who stands against the social norm, fervently professes their beliefs, and zealously recruits allies.

By that definition, I agree with Bud. I just never thought of it that way.

Bud Sturguess

I had no idea Patrick was British...I also had no idea he was so gangsta!

Joseph Barbaro

Praise God! For His infinite love, mercy and grace in the person of Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:8 says
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


I take Patrick "riding Ireland of serpents" as legendary ~ a story representing that Patrick rid Ireland of the Serpent of old (the devil).

Jeanetta Carson

Thank You LORD Jesus, For Patrick Testimony, In Jesus Name Yeshua amen.


Dan, I think you've been misinformed. Protestants as we know them (or are them) did not exist for another 1000 years. I've never heard of Patrick vs. the Pelagians but Romans 5 and Ephesians 2 both teach that mankind is corrupted via Adam and each of us is by nature (not choice) under wrath, so I've got to say Pelagius was wrong.


I heard the snakes were Protestants or Pelagians like me so I found it hard to enjoy this holiday. It makes me want to get to the root of this and find out the truth. I'm really curious now.

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