Persecution Blog: ISLAM: A Hidden Agenda

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October 18, 2013


Khürt Williams

Perhaps they just need to get payback for the Crusades ( the stuff Christians don't want to acknowledge as atrocities against non-Christians).

Us non-Mulsim and non-Christians wouldn't mind if both religious ceased to exists. We hate being caught in the middle of your death feuds.


Amen x 10.... Jezu, ufam Tobie!!!


Lord, I pray that these people will come to know you and be part of the Christian history instead of changing the history. I pray also for the Christians that are suffering persecution around the world, give them the strength to remain faithful to You. What they do encourages me so much!


once a long time ago we talked, we talked about all that was. please do this again & God will save our memories.

Umah Ernest

So sorry!
In my earlier comment I meant to say quite 'insightful' without being inciting.
My browser couldn't edit the comment after posting.

Umah Ernest

Quite 'inciteful' without being insighting.
I have always been against western nations supporting the rebels in Syria. Their Islamization agenda is so glaring and they do not hide this.
Although, this does not make Al-Assad any better; but, at least the christians know what to expect.
Christ has always been always been ahead of any threat.

dustin titus

all the christians here in the u.s. should hear more about what the christians overseas are living with so that we can pray more and help more about these things.too many american christians are comfortable in their lives and think too much of worldly things.

Diane Kennedy

The sign read, “The Bible is the biggest threat to our cause.” And just what is their "cause"? As Jesus said...they are of their father, the devil. Until the Lord can reach them and touch them in their hearts so that they can "know" the "truth" and what is contained in the Bible...the picture and story of Jesus...their biggest "threat" is God because what does scripture say but to (Mat 10:28) And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

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