In 2007, Babasola’s oldest son was attending classes at his university [in Nigeria] when three Muslim men armed with machetes approached him. They called out his name.
“We have not come to rob you,” they said. “We have come to kill you because you are your father’s son.” The men slit his throat.
“It was very difficult,” Babasola said of the loss of his son. “But there is no sacrifice that is too big for God.”
Babasola continues to minister to Muslims. He secretly counsels Quranic teachers, mullahs, and sheiks who want to become Christians. He is a lamb among wolves who has intimate knowledge of the wolf’s lair. So many men in Muslim villages come up to him and tell him they are Christians because of him. He works a lot with persecutors. He even visited the man who had planned his son’s killing to offer forgiveness.
The man rebuffed Babasola, but after hearing about the exchange on a radio program, the man’s son showed up at Babasola’s home seeking to know Christ. “I discovered that love is the ultimate,” Babasola said. “If you want to win Muslims to your side, you have to love them—not with the human type of love, but with the love you yourself have experienced through Christ.”
In our work around the world we have met many Saul-to-Paul conversions like Babasola’s. They cause us to ask, “Who is my enemy?” For if we treat our persecutors as enemies, how will we ever win them to Christ? When VOM founder Pastor Richard Wurmbrand encountered vicious persecutors while locked inside a Romanian Communist prison, he viewed them not as enemies but as harvest. And indeed one of his violent captors became a Christian. Believers like these show a special love—God’s love—toward our so-called enemy.
“Instead of treating them as enemies, pity them, because it’s not them, it’s something that is motivating them,” Babasola said. “Because when I was there I did not know what I was doing. I was once a persecutor, but now through His grace He has forgiven me. This is God’s love. And though we have been persecuted we are not crushed...We are willing to die so that others will live.”
“Babasola” was a radical Muslim persecutor of Christians until he met Jesus. His story is one of those told in VOM’s new book, Saul to Paul: From Persecutor to Christ Follower. Order your copy online.
LOVE of GOD is mercy forgive save some .
LOVE of GOD change some evil to good .
GOD can forgive save all , but GOD forgive save some not forgive save all .
GOD can change all evil to good , but GOD change some not change all .
why GOD not forgive all and not change all and not save all ?
LAW of GOD .
LAW of GOD is no mercy no forgive no save some .
LAW of GOD is justice must punish some sinners .
rejoice who was chosen to saved by GOD .
rejoice who are chosen to saved by GOD .
rejoice who will chosen to saved by GOD .
Posted by: STAR777 | March 25, 2013 at 11:33 PM