"Our Lord commanded us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy," Florea calmly told the prison guards. "I cannot work on this day."
The Romanian prisoners were forced to labor every day, but each Sabbath Florea refused. For his refusal, the guards routinely beat him so badly he lost the use of his arms and legs. He could only move his head.
Because he could no longer labor, Florea was forced to sit in his cell all day long. He had to rely on other prisoners to feed him. In spite of his situation, Florea was not downcast.
When other prisoners would complain about their situation, Florea would encourage them. "If the outlook is bad," he would say, "try the 'up-look.' When Stephen was stoned, he looked up and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. This comforted Stephen's heart, and it will comfort yours too." He encouraged his fellow prisoners not to "look out" to their circumstances but to "look up" at Jesus.
One of Florea's fellow prisoners was Richard Wurmbrand, who was later released from the prison and found Florea's nine-year-old son. He told him what a blessing his father had been in prison.
The boy smiled and replied, "I would like to become a sufferer and encourager for Christ as my father has been."
A Christian is not privileged with a certain set of circumstances. Nice home. Perfect family. Good health. No, a Christian is a person with a certain attitude toward any and all circumstances. A person's attitude makes the difference, regardless of circumstances. A heavenly attitude focuses on God's presence amid trials. Fixating on our hardships distracts us from a heavenly outlook. We feel burdened. Depressed. Hopeless. In contrast, a godly "up-look" on our troubles brings confidence that God is at work. We relax in God's presence, waiting to see how he will work out our concerns. Are you undergoing a trial right now? Where are you focused? Ask God to redirect your energies so you can look beyond your troubles and feel his presence near you.
Excerpted from Extreme Devotion, a daily devotional written by The Voice of the Martyrs. Order your copy online.
"Looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith; who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now set down at the right hand of God."
Hebrews 12:2
Posted by: S.F. | March 21, 2013 at 12:04 PM
GOD JESUS will come soon ! be prepare ! be ready ! GOD JESUS will come soon !
GOD JESUS will come soon to take HIS Holy Righteous People to Heaven ! (the rapture)
who not taken will suffer the great tribulation (suffer torture painful persecution most worst)
Posted by: STAR777 | March 21, 2013 at 07:40 AM