Persecution Blog: Not ashamed to pray

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February 20, 2013


Jack Coleman

Great comment, Sabrina. What is your take on "fervent prayer" as described in James 5? I hear a lot of "canned" prayers, or even prayers that are more spontaneous yet with no fervency, at least as how I define fervency. Jesus prayed with loud crying and tears. It seems to me that that is the definition and example of fervency. I wish I could say that that is how I always pray, but not true. Is such fervency required, or does it help a lot, to get our prayers answered? I bet if we were Christians in Afghanistan, our prayers would be a lot more fervent. Bet there wouldn't any denominations either.


GOD is Law & Love
GOD is the Most Wisest

do not fear
do not worry
do not disappoint

Trust GOD with All Heart
Believe GOD with All Heart
Trust Believe GOD with All Heart

GOD will answer prayer according to the Will of GOD
GOD will answer prayer according to the Law & Love of GOD
GOD will answer prayer according to the Planned Wisdom of GOD

Jacquelynne Titus

I have a 4X 6 map of the wotld on the wall in my bedroom. I have placed a little red or blue dot sticker on each nation that persecutes the body of Christ. I "visit" each nations and names I know personally, families of those brothers and siters every morning before I get out of bed and throughout the day as I make their voice heard, inviting others to fellowship in His suffering (Phil. 3:10) My "life verses" are Gal. 6:9,10-Heb. 12:28,29-13:3 As to personal prayer disapointments -My King controls it all and He does it for my good. He will not give me a serpent if I ask for a fish! :-) :-)


Listen to "The Blessedness of the Unoffended" sermon by T. Austin-Sparks, he speaks directly to this...

Sabrina Thomas

Yes, I have struggled with such disappointment in my prayer life. It seemed that whatever I prayed for the exact opposite would happen. I watched as God stripped away one thing after another from me. I felt hedged in…imprisoned, in many ways. Because I was disappointed in what looked to me as God’s indifference, or even active reproach against me, I didn’t want to pray…what would be the point; He will do whatever He wants anyway, even nothing. It was a very dark time. God used this time to make me be still. I struggled, kicked and wailed to be free but God held tight. When I was exhausted and at the end of myself I could hear Him speak with sweet love and compassion. I cannot explain what happened but He replaced my fear, anxiety, and self-reliance with peace and rest in Him. My “circumstances” have not changed but God has given me riches that money cannot buy and I wouldn’t trade for anything, His joy, His peace, and His presence. Suppose if He would have given me what I struggled, kicked and wailed for? I would have missed out on what money and power can’t obtain. This helps me to pray consistently for the persecuted church and for other needs. I bring the need to Christ and wait expectedly to see what He decides to do. I know, now, from experience that He always, not only knows what is best, but does what is best…whatever it looks like to me. Oh, what peace, what joy to rest in “the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!”

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