Burma (MNN) ― In recent days, Burma's army shot a 7-year-old boy
before opening fire on a Kachin refugee camp near the border of China.
Dyann Romeijn with Vision Beyond Borders says this isn't the first time soldiers have shot at refugee camps.
"The Human Rights Commission did a report on the Burmese, and they violated all the codes of war," said Romeijn. "I mean, they should be indicted on war crimes. Why we don't enforce some of those things, I don't know."
The Free Burma Rangers, a group providing relief aid in Burma's war zones, reported that the Burma Army fired machine guns near the region for two hours before hitting the little boy. Bullets punctured his right hand and left thigh, fracturing the young boy's femur. After he was rushed to a nearby hospital, more bullets and mortar shells pelted the region for another two hours.
While doctors fixed the little boy's hand, they're not sure if they can save his leg. Pray for healing.
Romeijn said that despite what the government tells the outside world, Burma still has undeniable problems.
"They're known to have child soldiers; they're known to use rape as a weapon; they're known to have extra-judicial torture and killings," she stated. "These things are well-documented."
There are still over 70,000 people in the Kachin state who can't go home because of ongoing violence. Although Burma's President told the U.S. in September that he had ordered troops to stop attacking minorities in the Kachin state, Free Burma Rangers reports active units in the region totaling 700 soldiers.
One of their recent rape victims was a widowed mother of 12.
"They also will take civilians and use them to walk in front of the army to detonate land mines," Romeijn added.
About 90% of the Kachin people are believers. Pray that God would protect His people, and that He would move in the hearts of their persecutors.
"The only thing that's going to make a difference is if God moves on the hearts and changes hearts of those who are opposing these people," said Romeijn.
Ethnic refugees in Burma need basic necessities like clothing, shelter, and food. Click here to collect supplies to send with Vision Beyond Borders teams.
Source: Mission Network News