Every day my husband and I spend time in prayer for the persecuted church. This morning the Prayer Calendar mobile phone application for The Voice of the Martyrs said the following:
May 22 - Iraq
VOM distributes Bibles, Christian evangelistic tools and Action Packs to Iraqi believers.
Which of course reminded me of our The Voice of the Martyrs Bibles Unbound program and how awesome it is to be able to purchase bibles at such a low cost and send them to nations where Christians are in desperate need for them.
For us in America, it's almost June, which means graduation. Many Christians give their children who are graduating a new bible. In fact, that new bible is often a representation of the beginning of a new life - a new life as an adult, or as a new college student.
So how much more so, would it be to give the gift of bibles to those in other nations who are desiring to have the written Word of God in their language so that they can study and read what Jesus said personally. I think it's something that we can all be the answer to, especially given today's prayer request.
Won't you join me in partnering with The Voice of the Martyrs Bibles Unbound Program and start by simply sending out five bibles a month? It is so easy. Click here to learn more right now!