One of the nations in our Restricted Nations page is Morocco. Morocco is 99.9 percent Muslim and has a tiny Christian population of about a tenth of a percent.
As a result, it's not surprise that Christians are at risk and are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. You can click here to see numerous previous reports about the persecution that has taken place there.
Mission Network News is reporting on the lastest with our brothers and sisters in that country. Here's some of their report:
Morocco (MNN) ― Two years ago, many foreign Christians were expelled from Morocco. It changed the face of the Moroccan church. The Christians, for example, now meet in smaller groups than they were used to. Twenty members are a big church nowadays.
2010 was a difficult year for the church in Morocco. "After the foreigners were expelled, almost half of the churches stopped; it was really a big crackdown" says an Open Doors worker responsible for North Africa. A year later, things turned normal again for the estimated 3,000 Christians, but the tendency is to split up the groups of believers into smaller groups.
The current year is seen as a crucial year for the church. There are some signs that things might become more difficult. In the beginning of March, three brothers were arrested at a coffee shop. "It was clear that they were arrested because of their Christian activity. The police asked questions about this and tried to find Christian literature or material." According to the Open Doors spokesman, they also tried to find the pastor of the three men. He was warned, however, and went to a safe place. The three men were released a day after their arrest because of lack of proof.
"For the Christians in Morocco, these arrests are a sign. The country is now governed by a government with clear influence of Islamists. Christians believe that the arrests are the start of a new trend," says the Open Doors worker.
Please read the full story here. Will you also add Morocco to your prayer list and keep the Christians in your prayers regularily.