The following story from Compass Direct is heartbreaking on so many levels. However, it is also a testimony of one young woman's devotion and love for Christ, which is to be admired.
Rekha Khatoon is a young 22 year old Christian woman, who said, "“I boldly told those who beat me up that I may leave my parents, but that I will not leave Jesus,” ... “Jesus has healed me, and I cannot forget Him.”
Please pray for Rekha as she continues her faithful witness to Jesus and those who know her. Here's the rest of the story from Compass Direct.
Christian in West Bengal cast out of home for her faith.
NEW DELHI, March 20 (CDN) — A young woman was thrown out of her home this month for daring to give thanks for healing in Christ’s name in a predominantly Muslim village in India’s West Bengal state, and then her parents helped Islamic extremists to beat her nearly unconscious.
The attack on Rekha Khatoon, 22, took place on March 9 in Nutangram, Murshidabad.
“I boldly told those who beat me up that I may leave my parents, but that I will not leave Jesus,” Khatoon said. “Jesus has healed me, and I cannot forget Him.”
In a village where hard-line Muslims have threatened to kill the 25 families who initially showed interest in Christ, leaving only five frightened Christian families, Khatoon was returning from worship with Believers Church at Al Hamdulillah Hall when her parents and Muslim extremists attacked her, she said. They called her a pagan, among other verbal abuse.
The mob also harassed the Christian woman who encouraged Khatoon to trust Christ as Lord, Aimazan Bibi, said Bashir Pal, pastor and founder of the village Believers Church.