Recently we shared with our Be-A-Voice Network a new prayer bulletin that highlights a Christian poet that has been detained in Turkmenistan. If you're not familar with The Voice of the Martrys Be-A-Voice Network, please click here to learn more. Currently we have a membership of 9580 people who are committed to praying and acting on behalf of persecuted Christians. I invite you to join today.
Here's more information on the Christian poet who was detained. Please pray.
A 77-year-old Christian poet has been arrested in Dasoguz for trying to publish a small book of religious poetry. Begjan Shirmedov was detained and questioned for six hours by police officials from the department responsible for counter-terrorism and organized crime investigations. In addition, he was forced to write a statement and banned from traveling outside his home region of Dasoguz in northern Turkmenistan while his case is investigated. Shirmedov has been writing Christian poetry in Turkmen for years, according to members of his congregation. Understanding the authorities' sensitivity to religious literature, he asked employees at the print shop if printing the poetry would be a problem. They insisted it would not. However, when Shirmedov returned to the print shop on Feb. 3 to pick up the printed books, an official with Religious Affairs was waiting to arrest him. Source: Forum 18 News Service
Click here to download the PDF of the latest Be-A-Voice Network Bulletin