Christians living in Laos, which is one of The Voice of the Martyrs
highlighted restricted nations with about two persecent of the population Christian and the remainder Buddhist, are living under difficult situations with a Communist government. The following is from our partners in ministry to the persecuted church, Compass Direct.
There are many issues mentioned about the persecution of our brothers and sisters in this piece - first, Christians are being evicted from their homes, second - Christians are told to get a permit for their churches, only to be then denied said permits and third - Christians are afforded the opportunity of freedom of worship in Laos, however government officials turn them down for the permits they need. And fourth, Christians in Laos often are told to renounce their faith or lose their jobs.
10 Christians evicted from homes in another village, while those in Katin ordered to pay fines.
DUBLIN, September 26 (CDN) — Authorities in Laos forcibly confiscated a church building in Savannakhet Province on Sept. 14 due to lack of official permission; the church had not applied for a building permit as the country routinely denies such applications, sources said. Christians in Laos often do not risk applying for a building permit as it draws unwanted attention and can preempt any chance of building a simple structure, Christian sources said; authorities generally ignore a lack of building permit if religious groups cause no problems.
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