Normally on Monday I share with you a devotion from the book Extreme Devotion, but today I wanted to share with you a few thoughts that I have had recently about persecution instead.
For over six years now, I have had the opportunity to write this blog for The Voice of the Martyrs. When I first started I can honestly say that I really had no clue the amount of persecution that was happening worldwide. Now, six years later, there are days that I wish I could say that I had no clue about the persecution that is happening to Christians worldwide. There is some truth to that old adage, "ignorance is bliss".
However, when it comes down to it, I'm glad that the Lord was merciful to me, a sinner, and opened my eyes even more to the wickedness of sinners towards Him and His children. And I wanted to share with you the reason why I will never stop praying for the persecuted church and those who persecute the church.
There's one story about a man who persecuted Christians that I have never forgotten. This man's testimony and his life has impacted me more than any other Christian, and the reason is that his story was written down and preserved for all to read.
I'm talking about Saul. In Acts chapters 8 and 9 we read the story of Saul. He was a persecutor of the church. He even was in hearty agreement with putting Stephen to death, our first New Testament martyr.
But something happened to Saul that gives me hope when I read about people today who are persecuting Christians - Saul had an encounter with Jesus Christ that changed him from the inside out.
Before Christ, Saul is said to have ravaged the church and he put countless Christians in prison. After he received Christ, Saul, who the Lord renamed Paul, spent countless days in prison for His faith in Christ.
In fact, when you think about it, if it wasn't for the persecution of Saul (as Paul) after his conversion to Christ, we wouldn't have most of the New Testament. Since we know from scripture that Paul wrote most of it while he was in prison.
So the next time you may feel overwhelmed with all the news of Christians being persecuted, remember the holy book you have the blessing of owning, was written, in part, by one man who used to persecute Christians. If that isn't a testimony of the power of Christ, I am not sure what is.
Pray today for persecuted Christians worldwide and go back and read Acts chapters 8 and 9 and see the story of the one persecuted Christian who has impacted my life more than anyone.