Last week we asked you to take the time to write Zhang Huamei, who has been in prison over 670 days, and I am very happy to tell you that 7 more letters were written to Zhang!!! Praise the Lord for your faithfulness to act!! A big thank you to all of you who did write! Thank you, thank you, thank YOU! The week before we had 21 letters written and this past week, even though we only had seven letters that were written in support of our brother, we appreciate it. You will never know if one of those seven letters is the one who compells help for our brother.
Today I'd like to ask you to consider writing our brother Ilmurad Nurliev who has been in prison for 368 days.
Here's a small description of why Ilmurad is in prison. As you read the description, please also offer up a prayer for Ilmurad and his family.
Pentecostal pastor Ilmurad Nurliev was arrested at his home in Mary in southeastern Turkmenistan on Aug. 27, 2010. He was charged with extracting money from three people. His wife, Maya, and his church members strongly deny the allegations. “All this is being done because of his faith,” said Maya. During his trial, several of the witnesses against the 45-year-old pastor were coerced into testifying.
Pastor Nurliev was sentenced to four years in prison, and his wife was forced to pay “compensation” immediately, or risk being kicked out of their home. Pastor Nurliev was also ordered to undergo “forcible medical treatment” to “wean him off his narcotic dependency,” another claim that his wife and church members reject.
In December 2010, Pastor Nurliev was transferred to Seyi Labor Camp, known for its use of psychotropic drugs on prisoners. A former prisoner in the camp described conditions “like something from the Middle Ages.”
The pastor is a diabetic, and his family is concerned about his health while he is in prison. He has no access to medical treatment.
Instead of working in the labor camp's brick kiln, the pastor is being permitted to work at his trade as a barber, serving both prisoners and camp staff. Prison authorities have denied Pastor Nurliev a Bible. Click here to write now.