The following story is from Assyrian International News Agency and I'm sure is going to cause you to react. I would love to hear your thoughts on this story because it is very apparent that President Obama decided to go to war because mosques were being destroyed.
However, President Obama, did nothing when Christian churches were being burned down and Christians continue to be persecuted.
Here's part of the story:
The President finally addressed the nation and the world nearly two weeks after initiating military action against Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Boiling down his speech, he claimed a moral imperative to intervene with force because Gaddafi had killed innocent civilians and destroyed mosques in his struggle to hang on to power.
"Mosques destroyed," the president said, supported his argument for air strikes. Churches are being destroyed daily in the Muslim world, but the U.S. does not intervene. Take Iraq, for example. We have sacrificed thousands of our soldiers' lives and billions in treasure in an effort to bring freedom to this war-torn country.
But the Christians there are daily being murdered and their churches bombed. As a senator, Barack Obama had no interest in preventing Saddam Hussein from filling mass graves. He vocally opposed our going into Iraq. That was then.
In Pakistan, the only Christian cabinet member was assassinated and a Muslim governor who sought to protect a Christian woman from death was also gunned down, reputedly by his own security guard. Christians in Pakistan face escalating persecution. Their churches are attacked and anyone who converts from Islam to Christianity is killed.
Yet, we support Pakistan as a partner in the global war on terror. Whether Pakistan supports us is another question. Why have we been fighting in neighboring Afghanistan for ten years against the plotters of 9/11? It's widely believed that Osama bin Laden is somewhere in the wild border regions between the two countries, quite possibly on the Pakistan side. Could Pakistan be playing a double game?
President Obama is unmoved by the plight of Christians in the Sudan. There, a twenty-year civil war has been going on with an Islamist government in Khartoum starving some five million Christians and followers of traditional African religion. This cruel oppression has led the South Sudanese to vote overwhelmingly to break away.
What has occurred is against our form of government. I have been listening to talk radio and people in congress--even of his own party are being critical about this decisions.
I believe that the first five years of a persons life are the formative years. You will find many answers to what our president is doing when you look at his first five years!
Another thing is most of our presidents have joined a church or regularly attended a church while living in the white house. Once again look at the president and his family and what they are doing on Sunday. I personally don't feel that he is a committed Christian.
Posted by: Nancy | March 31, 2011 at 10:52 PM
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." (Psalm 20:7)
Attacking every country where churches have been destroyed would take and awful lot of "horses and chariots."
Posted by: kendall | March 31, 2011 at 08:16 AM