Our Kids of Courage website always has new content for you to share with the children in your life. Today I'd like to highlight one story from the Kids of Courage website.
This is the story of Luke.
Luke grew up in a Buddhist family in Burma. He and his family are part of the Rakhine tribe.
Few Rakhine people know about Jesus. Only about one-tenth of 1 percent are Christians. That means if there were 1,000 Rakhine people, maybe only one would be a Christian. (There are actually more than a million Rakhine people in Burma.) Source: Operation World, 7th Edition
Many Rakhine boys spend a few months living as monks in a monastery. A monastery is a place where monks live together, separate from others and from their families. Monks spend their time studying their religion and following its rules. Some Buddhist boys decide to become monks for the rest of their lives.
(Read “Comparing Buddhism and Christianity” to find out what Buddhists believe.)
But Luke heard about Jesus and decided to give his life to him! He wanted to share his new faith with other Rakhine people, so he walked from village to village, talking to people about the good news of Jesus. Full story here.