Are you still praying for Pakistan? Please don't forget because they are still dealing with the massive floods that took place a few weeks back. Today Mission Network News reminds us:
Pakistan (MNN) ― The World Health Organization says many of those displaced by the Pakistan floods remain trapped in isolated make-shift camps.
There is growing concern about the potential of outbreaks of infectious disease and deaths from malnutrition without medical and food aid. The WHO estimates that only 8% of the population has access to potable water and the same for the sanitation, creating the conditions for the spread of diarrheal diseases, shigellosis and also cholera.
With the crops under water or rotted in muddy fields, the United Nations asked for $180 million to feed six million flood victims in Pakistan for use in October and November.
Please also give to the work of The Voice of the Martyrs as we continue to minister in Pakistan meeting basic needs and sharing the gospel.