Compass Direct has posted a story today that makes me want to cry. Honestly, as I have sat here for about 20 minutes now I just have to say that I am amazed at the faith of other believers in Jesus Christ. We really have it easy here in America, to be a Christian. We have amazing freedom in this country and I think most of us have no clue how free we are.
Well, today I'd like you to click on over to Compass Direct and read this story. Then leave me a comment and let me know how this story impacts you. I can tell you that it really impacted me today.
One reason it touches me so much is because this young boy is truly being abused and yet he keeps going on. He's being chained up, working for hours in severe weather, not getting any medical aid and he's eating barely any food.
His mother, as you may imagine, is devastated and his father and brother are doing what they can to pay off the debt to this Muslim landowner who isn't showing any mercy to this family because they will not convert to Islam.
And so let this be both an encouragement to you today and an exhortation. Let it be an encouragement because we see the faith of part of our family in Christ being worked out. Let it be an exhortation to you to you to remain faithful in your prayers for the persecuted church. When one part of the body suffers, we all suffer.
Please pray also for the Muslim landowner and ask the Lord to change his heart, so that he will come to faith in the one true living God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Ahh...what a heartbreaking story, but encouraging too, to know that this little boy is strong enough in his faith to refuse better food, less work, and canceled debt in order to stay true to his Savior. We can all take an example from him while we continue to beseech the Lord on his behalf.
Posted by: Haylee Shields | June 22, 2010 at 05:27 PM