Now that April is ending and May is just around the corner, most of us are thinking about our mothers and how we will celebrate Mothers Day this year.
For me, Mothers Day is always bittersweet because my mom came to know the Lord a year before she died, and so I always think about my mom who is in heaven with the Lord. Which got me thinking about all of those moms out there who still do not have bibles of their own. Have you ever thought if it that way?
Well, Bibles Unbound is a great ministry and as I was going through the Bibles Unbound site this morning, I took a screen capture of the section where we have noted how many individuals are still waiting for a bible, and I thought, what if my mom was one of those people? What would I do in order to make sure she received a copy of the most important message that God ever gave us?
Well, here's an idea for you. If your mom is with the Lord like mine is, why not consider joining Bibles Unbound and giving bibles in honor of your mom. Imagine how cool it would be to know that some other mom out there received a bible because you remembered how vital the bible is to you.
And may I encourage you to join the North Korea covert operation because, as you can see, North Korea is in dire need of bibles.
And if your mom is still living, why not get together and you can both join Bibles Unbound and give bibles together. Personally, I think it's cool to do special things like this together as a family. So I hope you consider making a difference for those moms in other nations who have yet to receive the best gift of all.
To learn more about how to join Bibles Unbound, please visit our Bibles Unbound website and watch our videos and learn more about the different operations. And may the Lord bless you and your mom.