An American missionary team was traveling through Sudan delivering food, blankets, and Bibles and showing the JESUS video. Everything was on schedule until their truck got stuck in a river and they lost a day’s work.
The missionaries committed the events to God and asked him to guide their path. Knowing they would have to cut their travels short to make their deadline, they decided to visit a closer village. Shortly after arriving, a number of women came running up to the foreign visitors. In broken English they cried, “Come quickly . . . our boy . . . you must help . . . come quickly!”
The team followed the women into a small, dark building. On the floor they found a small boy lying motionless, wrapped in a ragged blanket. When the blanket was lifted off, they discovered the severe burns covering Kamerino’s body.
They quickly and carefully loaded Kamerino into their truck and drove to the hospital fifty miles away. There, the boy immediately received the treatment he badly needed. Today Kamerino’s eyes fill with tears when he remembers how prayer and providence rescued him. He knows the love of Christ and his power to heal, and for the first time in many months, he smiles.
The missionaries also thank God that after being surrounded by so much death and suffering in Sudan, he allowed them to save the life of a brave, ten-year-old boy.
Kamerino brings new meaning to the phrase, “to be continued.” His life seemed destined for unending suffering, living out his life wrapped in a ragged blanket. However, part two proved to be a happy ending and a reminder of God’s grace. However, his story does not end even there. Part three is yet to be written. One day, Kamerino will experience the ultimate healing—a heavenly home where there is no suffering or pain. Earth will get worse before it gets better. Yet God will step into the worst situation imaginable and call for an end to all suffering. Then we will all head for home. If you are going through unimaginable pain right now, remember where you are ultimately headed.