On Sept. 16, The Voice of the Martyrs contacts in Pakistan reported that 20 year old Sandul Bibi’s faith is strong and she is encouraged by reading the Bible and a copy of Tortured for Christ.
Despite being held in prison for 11 months without a trial, Sandul has been encouraged by reading the Bible and a copy of Tortured for Christ, a book written by VOM’s founder Richard Wurmbrand. “In the month of March, Sandul…studied that book. She is really encouraged. Last month when she traveled for Faisalabad for [a] court hearing, secretly she gave that book (Torture for Christ) to her father Gull Sheer and said to him,’ Please read it in jail. This is a unique book,’” VOM contacts said.
When Sandul’s family visited her in prison during the recent Muslim holiday, Ramadan, she told them Muslims told her to pray and fast with them, but she refused telling them, “I am Christian I pray to Jesus Christ why should I say prayers with you. I will not do that.” Even though Sandul has faced some challenges in prison, she told her family that her faith in Christ is strong. “When I feel lonely, I talk with God during the prayers, in the presence of God I feel strengthened and peace in mind. I am happy that this way” God fulfils His Words that “I am with you,” Sandul said.
Sandul and her father Gulsher were arrested in October 2008 and charged with violating section 295-B of the Pakistani legal code, the "blasphemy" law. Sandul was falsely accused of ripping pages from the Quran. On Oct. 9 a large crowd of Muslims attacked Christian families at a church, throwing stones and firing guns. They were shouting, "Kill Gulsher and his daughter Sandul." Sandul and her father, Gulsher Masih, were arrested after a mob from the local mosque surrounded their house. Loudspeakers from different mosques broadcast accusations that Christians had disgraced the Quran, calling Muslims to attack and burn their homes. The angry crowd threw stones and set fire to Sandul's home. Christians believe Sandul and her father were targeted and arrested because they were aggressively winning villagers to Christ.
VOM is continuing to support Sandul’s family and encourages you to pray for Sandul and Gulsher as they remain in prison. Pray for their release and for the false charges to be dismissed. Ask God to encourage other believers in Pakistan who are unashamedly standing for Christ. To send letters of encouragement to Sandul and Gulsher go to http://www.prisoneralert.com/