Many have asked what they can do to increase the pressure for the release of kidnapped Christian attorney Gao Zhisheng. We are calling people of justice around the world to call Chinese Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong and urge that he immediately reveal Gao's whereabouts and condition. Ambassador Zhou has stated that Gao is "currently serving probation." However, Chinese security officials hauled Gao away on February 4, and are still holding him captive. In the past, Gao has been repeatedly kidnapped and tortured by Chinese officials for his work defending house church Christians and others persecuted for their beliefs. We have no reason to believe that Gao's torture has stopped. Please call the Chinese embassy's main number and request Ambassador Zhou's office. Let them know you are calling on behalf of Gao's wife and children who are very concerned about him, and insist that he respond with the truth about Gao Zhisheng and reveal his current whereabouts and condition. We have heard from some who have called the Chinese embassy already, stating that they have had trouble getting through or are sent to voicemails. It is very likely that this is because the embassy is reacting to the flood of calls for Gao. We are grateful for all those who have called; please keep calling. If you reach an operator, and they say they will transfer you, please request to speak with a live person. If you are given a new phone number or connected to a department that we do not have listed on the site, please send it to us and we will publish it. Gao was convinced that if he were to suffer for standing for truth, people of justice would stand with him -- we need to be kind but uncompromising in our stand. Even when Chinese officials refuse to give a response, we are committed to press for the truth regarding Gao. Thank you for continuing to spread the word to family and friends about and encouraging them to watch the video and sign the petition. We are very close to reaching our goal of 100,000 signatures, which we will deliver to Chinese and U.S. officials. Thank you for your partnership to free Gao Zhisheng and to expose, to the world, the truth regarding his case. We are committed to pressure the Chinese government until justice is brought to victory. ยป Go to now to contact Ambassador Zhou and to find contact numbers for the Chinese Embassy in your region and a sample script for your phone call.
Call Ambassador Zhou now.