More than 80 Christian families are homeless and living on church grounds following the recent and continuing political unrest in Pakistan, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts.
Unlike Muslims, who have been housed and provided for by the government, more than 300 Christians have been displaced and left to fend for themselves. “When we left… [we were not] provided any transportation, whereas Muslims were provided transportation,” a displaced Christian said. Christians walked for two days without water.
The Pakistan local governments have provided Muslims with tents, mattresses, clothing, medicines, food and medical care, whereas injured believers have not received medical intervention. “There are many children and women needing medical attention,” VOM contacts added. “Although the church is providing food right now, they need help. God knows how long it will take and then it will be difficult for the church to feed these people.”
During a camp visit, local believers told our VOM contacts that before this war the Taliban were treating Christians as “infidels”. They stopped them from holding prayer meetings and threatened them, firing guns near Christian homes to stop them from praying.
The current unrest in Pakistan has resulted from the government fighting the Taliban and an estimated 1.3 million people have been displaced and are living in refugee camps. The Voice of the Martyrs is assisting believers that are not being assisted by the government. VOM recently distributed Action Packs, Bibles, and the books Triumphant Church and He Lived Among Us.