Recently I have had the opportunity to work with children at my church and something that has always personally amazed me is how much children care about other people who are hurting, if you actually share with them what others are going through.
When it comes to children in America, I have seen such compassion and even passion come from children when they see other children hurting, as I'm sure you have too. This is one of the reasons I wanted to remind you today about our great program for children here at VOM. The Kids of Courage website is a place you should visit often, and also tell your friends with children about.
If you have not yet signed up for the Kids of Courage newsletter, click this link to do so - and you'll automatically get access to other parts of the website, including the video and activities section that will show you cool things you can do with your kids for the persecuted church.
Please check it out and leave us a comment so we know what you think.