VOM staff
September’s VOM newsletter features stories about Christians in Indonesia who suffer for practicing their faith in ways we often take for granted. Included are instructions for families, Sunday school classes, and individuals who want to write letters of encouragement to Indonesian Christians. What a great project to introduce kids to the needs of their persecuted brothers and sisters around the world!
Additional information for
kids about Indonesian Christians, including stories and activities,
are at www.KidsofCourage.com. Each month, kid-level materials about
the featured country in the VOM newsletter are added to the site. By
using the newsletter and the Web site materials together, families and
church groups that include kids can learn about the same country.
The Kids of Courage site also
offers the opportunity to sign up for the free quarterly Kids of
Courage newsletter for kids 5 to 12. This quarter’s issue features
stories of Christians in Muslim areas of Gaza and the West Bank. The
issue includes country information, ways kids can help the persecuted
Christians, how to get additional resources for kids, and even a recipe.
The first quarter 2009 issue, coming out in December, will tell about
Pakistani kids who refuse to deny Jesus under stress.
Pass this information along to a kid you know, or to a Sunday school teacher or Christian school teacher!