The following was published by Mission Network News.
Ethiopia (MNN) ― Evangelicals in Ethiopia, who may account for as much as twenty percent of the population, face severe persecution. Attacks against believers have risen in some Muslim-dominated areas as militants began purging believers.
Voice of the Martyrs' Todd Nettleton notes the latest incident follows this pattern. The attack occurred March in the town of Nensabo, about 325 km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa.
Although it's not clear what events led up to the attack 11 days ago, Nettleton says, "A group of radical Muslims determined to rid their area of the 'shame of Christianity' came against these believers as they were gathered for worship. At least two Christians were killed, and literally dozens were wounded."
Eight of the wounded were taken to Awassa for hospitalization, while others with serious injuries were taken to Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa.
However, he urges prayer in the days ahead. "I think one of the things we can pray for--for believers in Ethiopia, and really, believers in all of the places where Christians are persecuted--is that they will be encouraged and that they will continue to be a witness for Christ, in spite of the risks they face."
Pray for safety for evangelicals in Ethiopia, that the authorities will be willing to oppose those who use violence in the name of religion. Pray, too, for Christians facing various hardships as a result of this opposition.