A few weeks ago I mentioned on this blog that I felt really burdened for the Christians in North Korea, and as a result of this burden, I often look at the news going on in North Korea. Today I found this article from the Christian Post titled Lonely Christmas for Christians in North Korea which is a gentle reminder for all of us to keep praying for our brothers and sisters in North Korea.
The article states that Christians may celebrate the birth of Christ because "believers in North Korea can usually only gather two at a time on a given Sunday. A Christian would sit on a park bench and another Christian would come sit next to him. If no one is around, they may be able to share a Bible verse they know by heart and briefly give a reflection. They also share prayer topics with each other, said Simon."
The article goes on to say that Christmas is celebrated mainly in the heart of the believer and that the persecution of Christians is in the tens of thousands in North Korea.
Please keep North Korea on your prayer list.