Persecution Blog: Being a Voice

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December 18, 2007



Oh thanks! I didn't find anything on the website saying it was for USA so I assumed there was only one international one. Unfortunately the New Zealand blog hasn't been updated since May 2006, so I will continue to read this one :) Keep it up! God bless.


Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate it. I just wanted to let you know that we are American-focused because that's who we focus on, as VOM USA.

One of the special things about VOM is that Pastor Wurmbrand set up a network of offices in each country who could be the "voice" to their own countries. There is also a VOM office for New Zealand: As part of the VOM network of offices, we often coorperate on projects and share news.

I hope this will help you feel that New Zealanders can equally be a part of that Voice!


I think you do very well. But why are you so American focused? This is an international website - why do you talk about the "American Church" - I'm in New Zealand reading this, and it feels awkward and I know the voice of the martyrs doesn't reach me properly because I have to pretend I'm an American to be spoken to sometimes. Thanks for getting the news out though!

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