Persecution Blog: INDONESIA: Sole Survivor of Muslim Beheading Attack to Receive Medical Treatment From VOM

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July 26, 2006


Stella L. Jatras

I thought you would be intereted in the following article that was published today in The Washington Times. Notice that there is nothing in the report about persecution of Christians in Indonesia. It would behoove your organization to write a letter to the Washington Times to remind Mr. Pascoe of the horrors that exist in Indonesia, much of it under his watch. Now he is heading to the U.N. where he will be even more influencial. You can write letters to:

[email protected].

The Washington Times
Embassy Row
By James Morrison
February 19, 2007

Packing for U.N.
Lynn Pascoe, in his last days as U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, praised the world's most populous Muslim nation for its fight against Islamic terrorism, while assessing the challenges that await him as the first American to serve as the top political official at the United Nations.
"They have been making good progress on the counterterrorism side," he told reporters in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. "There's no question about the political will and that the police are capable of doing a good job on this subject."
Indonesia has been attacked several times by terrorists who hit hotels in Jakarta and resorts on the island of Bali.
In his new position as U.N. secretary-general for political affairs, Mr. Pascoe will deal with political developments and crises around the world.
"There are incredible numbers of problems out there in the world that we have to solve," he said in a press conference last week. "All of them have their complexities, and you have to solve each one as it comes up."
Nevertheless, Mr. Pascoe insisted he is up to the challenge.
"I look very much forward to the job. I look very much forward to the challenge, and I look forward to meeting with the people that are there and trying to make the world a better place," he said.
Mr. Pascoe dismissed questions about whether an American can serve in the position, saying he will be judged on his performance, not his nationality.
"With the U.N., the real question is the results," he said. "How good are they? How good will we be at doing what the U.N. is supposed to be doing, solving problems, keeping down tension, solving conflicts when they occur?"
Mr. Pascoe, a career foreign service officer, knew the new U.N. secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, when both of them served in Washington. Mr. Ban was a top diplomat at the South Korean Embassy, while Mr. Pascoe held top positions at the State Department in the early 1990s.
"He really was a standout, one of the best diplomats in Washington at the time, and people knew that. Everybody thought he was excellent," Mr. Pascoe said of Mr. Ban.

"He's the kind of guy that is fairly quiet about the way he does things, but he really gets things done, and he moves them forward, and I think that's going to be my thing, too."

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