A brother from Iran is sharing about the nation of Iran and the way that God is working there. Seventy percent of Iranians are age 30 and younger, and there is a great hunger for the gospel. The church there has grown greatly, in spite of intense persecution.
One martyr stated: "We Christians are like a ball. The harder you bounce it, the higher it goes."
Our brother is now sharing about eight Iranian martyrs. Six of the eight were former Muslims. The first was stabbed to death in 1994; the last was killed in November, 2005.
One of them, Pastor Ghorbandordi Tourani once told a man who was slashing him with a knife that, "Even if you cut me into little pieces, each piece will still love Jesus."
Pastor Ghorban's witness has resulted in three house churches being planted.
"One of the effects of the persecution in Iran is that so many house churches have been planted."
At least 50,000 copies of the JESUS Film have gone out in Iran in the past year. "Iranians are so much in love with the character of Jesus."
One Iranian lady distributed 25,000 copies of the film before her death; she reported that in all of that work she only had 12 people that rejected the film.
"The more people get to know Islam, the more they are interested to know about Christ."
Iranian Christians are boldly sharing the gospel, and the church there is growing. Christians are witnessing in every part of the country and in bold and exciting ways. People from all walks of life and from all parts of society are coming to Christ. Doctors are being reached. Couples filing for divorce in the court are changing their minds after hearing the gospel. Prostitutes are hearing that Jesus loves them, though they are rejected by their community.
"Those that are rejected in Iran, Jesus accepts them."
Following Christ is not easy. Many have lost their jobs. They are cut out of their parents' inheritance. Some Muslim landlords refuse to rent houses or apartments to Christians. Christians are sometimes arrested or interrogated by police.
One of the Iranian Christians who had suffered much refused to accept a cash gift from VOM's contact. "Why do you want to take this privilege (of suffering for Christ) from me? What does it matter if I sleep on the street? It is for Christ."
Praise God for His work in Iran. Pray for more leaders within the house church, and for God's protection over those who are leaders. Pray for those facing persecution, and for more tools to be available to the Christians in Iran.
Martyrdom or suffering for Him is a special Grace from Him which is given only for few chosen people.
what a privelege to die for Him and for HIs bride,the Church.-rozario
Posted by: rozario | November 22, 2006 at 10:48 AM