A few months ago you may remember we mentioned this sad situation with Jill Carroll being taken as a hostage in Baghdad. Today, we can rejoice because she has been set free. CNS News.com has a nice article about the situation.
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A few months ago you may remember we mentioned this sad situation with Jill Carroll being taken as a hostage in Baghdad. Today, we can rejoice because she has been set free. CNS News.com has a nice article about the situation.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 30, 2006 at 05:30 PM in General Information | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Yesterday Agape Press reported about Abdul Rahman's release from prison and asylum in Italy. I think it's totally amazing how the Lord has used this case to bring attention to suffering saints, especially in underground churches, in Afghanistan. Here's part of the article.
Associated Press reports that, according to Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, Rahman may have arrived in Italy overnight and is now in the care of the country's Interior Ministry. Berlusconi says his country is glad to welcome someone he says is "courageous." Italy granted Rahman asylum after his imprisonment and trial inspired an appeal from Pope Benedict to Afghanistan's president, and efforts by the United Nations to find a country to take him.
...A top cleric in southern Afghanistan called Rahman's release a "betrayal of Islam," and some 500 Afghans rallied on Wednesday at a mosque, demanding that Rahman be either forced to return to Islam or be killed. The cleric has threatened to incite violent protests.
'Religious Freedom' in Afghanistan
A spokesman for The Voice of the Martyrs says Abdul Rahman's trial in Afghanistan has put a much-needed spotlight on the true nature of Islam. An official with VOM is hopeful that attention generated by the case will spark worldwide prayer -- and a revival in the Muslim nation.
Please keep on praying for those who persecute Christians to find Jesus, and for those who are being persecuted to stand firm.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 30, 2006 at 05:26 PM in Christian News | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Todd Nettleton did an interview with Joe Pursch who is the host of "Real Talk", a nightly radio talk show on culture and politics heard throughout Northern California on Salem Broadcasting's AM 710 KFIA in Sacramento. I think this is pretty cool, and it is from Joe's blog on Crosswalk.com
1. Persecution-watchers have been amazed that Rahman's case made it into international media at all. There are many other believers in his state in the country who have suffered this kind of injustice in quiet oblivion. What happened in his case was the local judge handling the case getting a little full of himself and going on regional Afghan TV to brag about it a bit and stir up the populace. That was just enough to catch the edge of the Internet/media wave, and boom, the world knows everything. Nettleton told my audience that this may have been a mercy of God to reveal this problem to the world. Now that Rahman has landed safely in Italy, he may serve as a long term media reminder of persecution by Muslims.
2. Todd also revealed to us that according to his in-country sources, Rahman may indeed be suffering from depression and other mental issues. So this indeed allowed both political sides in this thing to have a face saving way out in this case. Otherwise, we would still be in a standoff here. The depression condition may have saved Rahman's life and given us an emerging opportunity to talk about this issue and win the lives of future Afghan Christians in the docket. (Two more were arrested last week and face the same chages Rahman did).
We need to keep up the level of prayer for these dear believers, for revival in their country due to their witness, and for international awareness of this persecution culture to continue.
Amen, Joe - and thanks for the great report from Todd.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 30, 2006 at 05:15 PM in Christian News | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Today I wanted to offer you another bit of encouragement from the book Extreme Devotion. This story is sure to touch your heart.
"My wife is sleeping in the other room because she has been ill,” Pastor Richard Wurmbrand began. “She and I are both Jewish. Her family perished in the same Nazi concentration camp where you just boasted of killing Jews with children still in their arms. Perhaps you murdered my wife’s family.”
Upon hearing this, the pastor’s guest, a soldier, became very angry and stood to leave. But Richard stopped him. “Wait. I want to propose an experiment. I want to tell my wife who you are and what you did. But my wife will not curse you or even look at you angrily. She will accept you.” The man sat with his mouth open, but speechless.
The pastor continued, “Now if my wife, who is only human can forgive you—then how much more will Jesus love and forgive you?”
The man buried his face in his hands. “What have I done? How can I go on living with the guilt of so much blood? Jesus, please forgive me.” The soldier went on to give his life to Christ.
Then Richard went and woke his wife Sabina. “This is the murderer of your sisters, your brothers, and your parents,” he introduced the man. “But now he has repented.” She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.
“Love conquers all” is a popular saying. Christians, however, know the truth of this saying firsthand. When we are at the mercy of our anger, we are consumed with hatred. But when we have allowed God (who is love) to control our lives, we find that our natural emotions like anger submit to him. We don’t even feel like getting upset over situations that used to enrage us. Love must conquer anything within us that is contrary to the character of Christ. The end result is that we are so consumed with love that even our worst enemy benefits from our transformation. Are you experiencing victory over bitterness and vengeance? Ask the God of love to conquer your anger today.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 30, 2006 at 05:07 PM in Extreme Devotion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
VOM contacts in Indonesia reported that two days ago on, March 26, hundreds of radical Muslims converged on the Church of Pentecost in Indonesia (PTDI) in Gunung Putri, Bogor County, West Java during a Sunday morning service. The mob’s angry protest over the property being “misused” as a church building lasted five hours. Some of the women among the 190 congregants began crying hysterically as a result of the mob’s hostile demonstration, with some falling unconscious and collapsing to the ground.
After law enforcement officers of the Resort Police of Gunung Putri set up a meeting between the church’s pastor, Daniel Fekky, and representatives of the Muslim mob, the pastor agreed to close the church and cease all of its Christian activities. Only then did the Muslim mob of 200 disband. Pastor Daniel has led PTDI’s services for nine years, but the residents of Gunung Putri and the local government did not protest his ministry until a year ago. The concerned pastor exclaimed, “If this church is closed down, where can my congregants and their children worship the Lord?”
Muslims defended their closure on legal grounds, even though there is a constitutional guarantee for freedom of worship in Indonesia.
Last week, the Religious Affairs Minister and the Home Minister announced a revision of the 1969 Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) which dealt with church buildings and government approval. The revisions will need the signature of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono before coming into effect.
The revised SKB regulations would set three conditions before a church building can be built or a congregation legally established:
1. Proof of at least 90 existing members with official ID cards.
2. Signatures from 60 neighbors of different faiths approving of the establishment of the new Christian congregation.
3. Approval from local authorities.
Indonesian Christians say the new law will make it more difficult to open new churches, especially in rural, predominantly Muslim areas. They also point to already-established churches which have tried for years to get government approval, without success.
Article 29(b) of the Indonesian constitution guarantees Indonesian citizens the freedom to choose their own religion and to worship according to the dictates of that religion.
Now imagine if this was happening in America, where an angry Muslim mob protested your Sunday morning worship service for 5 hours. Now put yourself in the shoes of the Pastor of that church. What do you think you would do?
I urge you to continually pray for the church of Jesus Christ in Indonesia, because they are under severe persecution on a daily basis. In the case of this story we are fortunate that no one lost their lives. Please petition God for their protection, boldness to stand for the truth and perseverence.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 28, 2006 at 07:15 PM in Christian Persecution | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Did you happen to listen to the interview Todd did with Janet Parshall yesterday afternoon? Well, I did, and it was one of the best ones I've heard them do to date.
Unfortunately, Janet won't let me post the audio on this site yet :), I'm still hoping she'll cave one day. But until she does, you'll have to listen to the audio at this site. Go to hour 3 and click on Part 2, and you will hear the interview. Trust me, it's a good one.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 28, 2006 at 06:58 PM in Christian Action | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I've been thinking much this morning about Abdul Rahman's case in Afghanistan, and the amazing ways that God has used it.
Imagine if two weeks ago we'd have taken up a collection and raised a million dollars, then went to Afghan authorities and offered them that money in order to broadcast the testimony of a Muslim convert to Christianity on Afghan TV. What would they have said?
They might have told us that there were no Afghan Christians. And they would have told us there was NO WAY they would allow an Afghan Christian to share his testimony on national TV.
Then Abdul Rahman was taken into custody, and the national television broadcast his answers to questions about his faith: "I am not an apostate. I believe in God...I believe in the Injil (New Testament) and love Jesus Christ."
How amazing is that? What we couldn't have purchased for a million dollars, God arranged to have happen for free. And it is bearing fruit: workers in Afghanistan report that many Muslims are asking questions about Christianity and Jesus.
I thank God for the amazing work he is doing in Afghanistan.
Continue to pray for revival in that country.
Todd Nettleton is the Director of News Services at The Voice of the Martyrs--USA.
Posted by VOM_MediaDev on March 28, 2006 at 10:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)
The story of Abdul Rahman continues to receive great coverage. I am so thankful for this coverage because it reminds the world that there is indeed a war on Christians especially from the radical followers of Islam.
The following entries are taken from blogs and various news websites, and I'm presenting it in the fashion of a "Rahman Carnival". If you have a post you'd like linked, please leave us a comment below.
The Moderate Voice is writing about his concern about the lack of evidence against Rahman. He raises a great question concerning the implication of future cases against Christians and evidence.
Jamal has written an interesting piece called Abdul Rahman: Infidel over at Blogcritics.org . Jamal muses about the lack of concern over others who are being hurt all over the world. The writer has an obvious left leaning bias.
NDTV.com attempts a balanced piece on the situation with Rahman's release.
Rhymes with Right (JAWA Report) is writing about how Rahman is "Free, but not Free". This is worthy of note from this site...(They also have a ton of others writing about this story linked.)
Rahman is to be freed based not upon a human rights violation, not upon the principle that every person has the right to choose his or her own religion free of state ceoercion, but based upon technical questions about the evidence and insinuations about his sanity. This is therefore NOT a victory for human rights or religious freedom -- it is a strategic retreat on the part of the Afghan government.
Media Monitors Network writes about how Britian and America got it right with Rahman.
CNS News writes about how this case has sparked interest in Christianity among Afghans. Remember there are underground Christians in Afghanistan.
Hussain Andaryas said the publicity surrounding the Abdul Rahman case had resulted in a surge of interest in Christianity among Afghans, strong concern for the plight of Afghanistan's underground Christians -- and an antagonistic response from Muslims.
Fox News is reporting that Rahman is seeking asylum outside of Afghanistan.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 27, 2006 at 02:52 PM in Christian News | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (3)
I was just trying to find out the latest about President Samuel Thomas who was recently arrested in India for taking care of orphans. The bad news, the Hopegivers website is down, the good news is that according to the Religion News Summary from Crosswalk President Thomas is reporting, "... that he had not been mistreated but that he was worried about EMI’s orphanage and the hospital."
Please remember Dr. Thomas in your prayers, and if you have not yet taken action on his behalf, please click to our previous blog entry for information on how you can write a letter on his behalf.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 27, 2006 at 02:17 PM in Christian News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Violent Christian persecution continues in China. The Voice of the Martyrs is reporting today that 80 church leaders were frisked, and stripped of their money while they were having a meeting at noon on March 13th. After these violations they were taken into custody by the Chinese Public Security Officials.
Unfortunately, one of the house-church leaders, Pastor Li Gongshe, was beaten by police and suffered a broken rib, which was treated at a nearby hospital’s emergency room.
On a positive note 36 house church leaders from Wen County were released within 24 hours of the raid, 24 of the arrested pastors from other counties are unaccounted for, as no information is known regarding their whereabouts.
Please remember those who are suffering unjustly in China for the name of Christ. Please also tell a a friend, and invite them to sign up to receive the monthly Voice of the Martyr's magazine.
Posted by Stacy L. Harp on March 27, 2006 at 02:05 PM in Christian Persecution | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)