Today two stories caught my eye because they are both about the persecution of the underground church in China. The first is simply called Priests Attacked in China and discusses how recently six priests were attacked and then arrested "for no specific reason" in China's underground church.
It's unclear what prompted the arrests, Kung said.
"They could arrest the priests for any reason they want. They don't have to give you a reason. The fact you're underground is a reason," Kung said.
He said it may be due to the ongoing campaign to get underground churches and priests to register with the government and thereby submit to official monitoring and meddling.
So much for religious freedom in China! There is good news though and that concerns the second article I found called Persecution strengthens underground Church in Hebei province . The Hebei province is part of China. The article begins this way...
Inflicting violence and arresting Catholics generate sympathy and lead to more vocations. It is high time Beijing change its policies and fully recognise religious freedom. Here are the thoughts of a member of an underground community (whose name has been changed for the sake of security).
Note that sympathy is being generated and also the word is getting out about the fact that religious freedom is really not true in China. What is true however, is that the Church does grow when under persecution.
The new wave of arrests against underground priests is a failure, useless and childish. It only increases the number of sympathisers and vocations to the priesthood in the underground church. What is more, it pushes underground priests to seek greater co-operation with their counterparts in the official Church.
A priest from one of these communities told AsiaNews: “We shall not go back to till the soil. Times have changed and the way the government is treating the Church is childish. It only strengthens the faith and the enthusiasm of the faithful. It helps spread the Church’s influence more rapidly”.
The campaign to suppress underground communities has been going on to varying degrees since 1997. But despite police surveillance members of these communities have continued to meet, at midnight or 2 o’clock in the morning, with look-outs against police raids. Sometimes they get caught; other times, the police turn a blind eye.
And then the article goes on to say...
"...I am happy to see our lay people less concerned about careers, amusement, and consumerism and more about their commitment to the faith”.
Imagine that...Christians caring more about their commitment to faith than consumerism, amusement or their careers. I pray to God that Christians in America get that message soon.
Wow. Talk about "by their fruits you shall know them". It is so obvious why the government approved "church" in China doesn't want information getting out about the persecution of the underground believers. It doesn't take long before you realize who the real Christians are in China. Also - I wholeheartedly agree with you about American Christians needing to be convicted about staying true to faith and not being distracted by materialism. That is one of the reasons I try to learn about persecuted Christians (besides to pray for them). It reminds me what TRUE faith looks like!
Posted by: Joy | November 29, 2005 at 03:51 PM