Persecution Blog: Be Careful What You Say

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August 19, 2005



As I study my Bible studies over the years,I have come to this conclusion. We Christians live by the law of Jesus Christ. To turn your back and follow the ways of man is just like turning your back on Jesus and His Father, God. Revelations speaks of martyrs for Christ. In order for Christ to refine our Characters, we must pass through Trials of Fire holding onto Christ's hand. Yes there are tough times coming for all Christians in this world. Perhaps it is a true test of our Faith to One who has done so much for us. What would we be willing to sacrafice for Christ? Ponder this thought and think about it. As for me, I will follow the Lord despite what trials of fire I must endure. Thank You for your time.



BBW sex

More than two million women are not building up any entitlement to the basic state pension, according to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

BBW sex

More than two million women are not building up any entitlement to the basic state pension, according to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Margaret Nahmias

It depends on what they said.
If they were sticking up for their beliefs there is nothing wrong with that. If they truly insulted Muslims(which I doubt), then the other side is right


My comments follow the lines of Fredric: Don't back down! Don't deny God!

What would I do? I think the Bible says it best: "as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"

I blogged about this on my blog this morning in more detail:

Frederic M Schlagenhauf

Don't apologize! The law is wrong. If this is paid and followed, it is denying God and His Word. We see so many unwilling to back down for their beliefs here on this site ans suffer. If jail is all they face, then the pastors should not buckle, the church should rally behind them and a voice cry out against this.

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