Every once in awhile I come upon a news article that is just too good to pass up. This morning is one of those days and so I just had to share it with you.
Have you ever wondered about the people of influence who truly get the ball rolling when it comes to religious freedom? I have, and apparently Sheryl Henderson Blunt did as well because she did an outstanding job in her article called The Daniel of Religious Rights which is posted today on the Christianity Today website.
The article is rather lengthy, but it is filled with some great information about Nina Shea. And maybe you've never heard of Nina, so let me highlight a little bit about her.
Nina is the Director, Center for Religious Freedom. She is a well respected advocate for the persecuted church, and Nina has written a wonderful book called In the Lion's Den: Persecuted Christians and What the Western Church Can Do About It .
Christianity Today has also written another complimentary article called Subverting Dignity which exposes Nina's thoughts on why one of the greatest threats to human freedom is Shari'ah Law.
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