In order to begin to get an understanding of how Voice of the Martyrs came to be, I have to introduce you to the Founder of VOM, Richard & Sabina Wurmbrand.
To the left you see a book title Tortured for Christ, which may be purchased via the VOM bookstore here. This is the testimony of how Richard Wurmbrand came to Christ and then began telling the stories of those who have suffered for His name.
I started reading this book last night and I have to tell you that it is wonderful! I was moved by the many testimonies I read including a story of a Russian officer who came to Christ. Here is part of his story...
"The next day this man came to see me. He longed for God, but he had never seen a Bible. He had no religious education and never attended religious services (churches in Russia then were very scarce). He loved God without the slightest knowledge of Him.
I read to him the Sermon on the Mount and the parables of Jesus. After hearing them, he danced around the room in rapturous joy proclaiming, "What a wonderful beauty! How could I live without knowing Christ!" It was the first time that I saw someone so joyful in Christ.
Then I made a mistake. I read to him the passion and crucifixion of Christ, without having prepared him for this. He had not expected it and, when he heard how Christ was beaten, how He was crucified and that in the end He died, he fell into an armchair and began to weep bitterly. He had believed in a Savior and now his Savior was dead!
I looked at him and was ashamed. I had called myself a Christian, a pastor, and a teacher of others, but I had never shared the sufferings of Christ as this Russian officer now shared them...Then I read to him the story of the resurrection and watched his expression change. He had not known that his Savior arose from the tomb. When he heard this wonderful news, he beat his knees and swore - using very dirty, but very "holy" profanity. This was his crude manner of speech. Again he rejoiced, shouting for joy, "He is alive! He is alive!" He danced around the room once more, overwhelmed with happiness!" (p. 18)
Isn't this a great testimony! Would to God that all Christians had the joy of that Russian officer. Get the book today by visiting here.