What drives a Christian to stand for their faith and not recant their faith in Jesus Christ? I think one of the answers is genuine faith, which does not disappoint and which also has a certainty that what they believe is real despite the fact that we often cannot see it.
Remember when Jesus said that you are blessed if you believe and yet have not seen? That is faith.
In an article posted by the Record-Courier we see the following quote
According to "Voice of the Martyrs," thousands of people died for their faith this past year. Unbelievable, persecution still exists in these modern times. But the common thread is that for those who suffer for their faith is a hope and a certainty of what is not seen. Hebrews goes on to give us those many examples of faith; then we read about the power of faith and the results of faith.
Hebrews 11:16 (By faith)...They were longing for a better country...a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
Read the full article titled What is faith question needs an answer
I love this blog, and I love the book of Hebrews; so, I had to make a post. As Christians, we understand what others do not.
When I consider Hebrews 11:1, I end with a question about the "things not seen." The article quoted says these are things "we do not see." But I think we [Christians] do see, and that is the point. These things are not yet seen as realities in the physical world, but we see them. We know them to be true. The text [Hbrws 11:1] could be translated "the demonstration [or manifestation] of things not seen," which would mean that these realities are on display before the eyes of the Christian, even though they are not seen by the watching world--they have not yet come to pass. So, the author can speak of Abel who received a testimony from God; of Enoch receiving a witness from God; of Noah receiving a warning and orders from God; of Abraham receiving calling from God; of Isaac, Jacob, and Sara receiving promises from God; and then say "all these died HAVING SEEN and having welcomed the promises from a distance..." v. 13.
Those who persevere and do not shrink back are able to do so not because they walk blindly by faith, seeing less than they need to see, but, rather, they walk with eyes open to a Heavenly City that others cannot see so that they see more than is yet on display to the natural eye alone. They see a country far beyond their geography. They see a better country and a Heavenly one. They are far from blind. Hence, they persevere, even as Christ did, for the joy set before them. Soli Deo Gloria
Posted by: Gregory Cochran | July 11, 2005 at 09:23 AM